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Transitioning into your new SDA/SIL home

Moving into a new home can be very daunting experience for participants and their families. For many participants, their current living arrangements are built around a support network of familiarity and embracing change can be a very difficult concept. Here at Thrive365, we believe the best way to make transitioning into your new SDA/SIL home an exciting experience, is a tailored transition plan to understand the step-by-step process:

1: Enquiry

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The transition plan commences with an enquiry made to the SIL provider. From a generalized perspective, the initial enquiry is made direct from the Support Coordinator and is a platform to provide an unidentified client brief and explore the providers scope of services.

2: Client Briefing

After the general enquiry is completed and the organization is considered as a potential provider, a time is allocated between the provider and support coordinator, to conduct a formal client briefing with consent to share identified information.

3: Eligibility

After determining the participants level of eligibility, the objective is to than align this with a property that suit the clients’ needs or guide the support coordinator / participant on alternative options that may be needed to achieve there accommodation goals:

4: Provider Introduction

To ensure the participant and all relevant stakeholders are involved in the transition process, a introduction meeting is created in which all parties can meet the SIL Provider, explore services provided and raise and questions/concerns they may have.

5: Compatibility review

After determining the participant is eligible to proceed with our accommodation services, we begin compatibility testing to ensure the provider and tenants are an appropriate match.  If the property is tenanted, a series of meet and greets will be conducted creating activities of shared interest, inviting all stakeholders to participate.

6: Registered Nurse Review

The review conducted by our internal Registered Nurse, shapes the preparation needed to safely transition a participant and the requirements to accommodate to their medical support needs.

7: Roster of Care / SIL Word Quote

After completing the nursing review, all supporting documentation is collated and shared with our documentation and policy team. Reflecting on the information provided, the team will begin to develop a quote and roster of care

8: Letter of Offer

A letter of Offer is provided to the participant from the SDA provider, securing the position within the home.

9: Client Onboarding

Client onboarding refers to the process in which the client’s supporting documentation are added into our CRM and additional client resources are constructed

10: Building a team

When onboarding a new participant, is essential a team is developed that is reflective to the participants needs. Reflecting on the compatibility testing completed, a client specific recruitment drive is conducted to build an appropriate support team.

11: Client Specific Training

When onboarding any new resident, a client specific training session is conducted. Dependent on the clients’ complexities, state of hospitalization and funding levels, dictates the training required for transition.

12: Final Preparation

In this stage we begin to coordinate the requirements the participant must have, before transitioning to the property. This is including the delivery of personal items, mobility equipment and medications.

13: Move in day

The final stage in the transition plan is the move in day. The core objective of this day is to ensure we create a supportive and welcoming environment, to minimize the anxieties from the move.

With a tailored and structured transition plan,  we are able to safely support you transitioning into your new SDA/SIL home. To view the current SIL/SDA vacancies we have available, please view the following links:

Brisbane – Thrive365 – Our Locations – Live your best home!

Sydney – Thrive365 – Our Locations – Live your best home!

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