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Why SDA providers love us

Published on: Apr 2, 2021 at 06:02

You can’t have great supported independent living (SIL) services without great specialist disability accommodation (SDA) providers. That’s because a great, safe, fun home starts with … a great, safe, fun house!

We work with lots of different SDA providers and property developers who organise beautiful and functional buildings in excellent locations – close to shops, parks, public transport and medical services. They also make sure our residents’ leases are up to date.

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We only work with SDA providers whose values are aligned with ours: prioritising the best outcomes for our residents.

Our SDA partners work with lots of different SIL providers, but they love working with us. Several of our SDA provider partners have asked us to work with them on multiple new homes they’re building.


Two reasons.

First and most important: our residents are happy with us. That means they stay for the long term., and very few people break their leases. We celebrate that every day because it means we’re doing a good job for people with disability, and at the same time, it makes our SDA partners’ lives easier.

Secondly: we’re experienced. We know the NDIS, and we know SIL. That means we know how to work with our SDA partners to get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed. We communicate well about the right things at the right times.

Do you have an SDA property and are looking for an exceptional SIL provider to work with? If you understand the importance of ensuring people with disability have real choice and control, contact us to have a conversation.