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Differences between SIL & SDA.

Happy New Year! As we enter a new year here are a few key quick Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is specifically designed disability housing for participants with high level care needs. Supported Independent Living (SIL) services are the daily on-site supports services that assist individuals to live independently within SIL and SDA homes.

Difference between SIL and SDA homes
SDA homes must meet very specific building requirements, whereas SIL homes do not need to meet specific building requirements. There are four categories of SDA homes with different building requirements for each.

Difference between SDA and SIL providers

  • SDA providers acquire SDA properties by purchasing properties or working with investors.
  • SIL providers are support independent living onsite support providers in SDA and SIL properties.
  • SDA homes require SIL and SDA providers to collaborate.
  • SDA and SIL providers must be two separate entities so that SDA participants can freely change SIL supports without them being removed from the house.

If you have any questions about how we at Thrive365 provide our services or general questions about SDA or SIL we have a experience team to assist you with your enquires while working with you in starting the journey into better housing and better living!

Take a look at our new offerings for SDA & SIL in Wynnum & Redcliffe!

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